a feeling of deep sympathy & sorrow
for another who is stricken by misfortune,
accompanied by
a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
is a choice.
it is the choice
to pick up a & comfort a child
after they have fallen
& scraped their knee.
it is the choice
to not swat at two bees
after they have flown down
& disturbed your meal.
is a feeling.
it is that feeling
of heartbreak
when learning of a friend's recent suffering
& bringing them cookies to let them know you care.
it is that feeling
of humility
when recognizing how your actions have hurt another
& relentlessly reaching out to mend what's been torn.
is a desire.
it is the desire
to forgive those who have wronged you
in order to love them once more.
it is the desire
to enlighten those with great potential & a tender heart
in order to bring them to a clearer understanding.
i am in short supply ... i can do better. xox