well folks,
my sister told me i'm officially a loser.
haha, due to my friends' procrastination habits,
i ended up going to another concert by myself last night.
ingrid michaelson
it was fantastic!
ingrid is hilarious, & i loved everything about the concert;
the stage set up, the songs, & the crowd.
when i got home, i tweeted
"went to the @ingridmusic concert tonight. by myself. again. it's becoming a habit. #imaloser #nbd".
elliot jacobson (ingrid's drummer) tweeted me back saying,
"@annadiederich not a loser. thank you for coming!"
haha, so my day was made complete when i woke up this morning to find that tweet.
exciting huh?
enjoy some of the songs she performed last night ever so magically.
wish i could have gone. xox