Monday, April 4, 2011

the game [playing on my pride]

i recently read a friend's blog post about a game she is playing with her family: no candy, desserts, soda, or treats etc.  i've been looking for a reason to kick treats, candy, & desserts off my "to eat" list (soda's been ditched for 16 months & counting now).

i've decided to take part in this game, without actually entering the competition.  i'm playing on my pride.  if i can do this, i can do anything.

what i will miss most:

this isn't just any cookie.
it's the warm, aromatic, freshly baked cookie tempting you when you first walk into grammy's on sunday evening.

the nydegger-famous raspberry trifle. only made for rare & special occasions.

my favorite & oh so daaaark chocolate.

only the best candy bar in existence.
(to some it's better known as "my stress reliever" in china).

& last but not least, my specialty: the rolo cookie.

yes, i will miss these things, but i will not miss the extra "breadbasket"...
if ya catch ma drift.

1 comment:

  1. the photos are perfect...remember it's not forever. you'll be back to those goodies if/when you choose. xox
