we watched this during fhe yesterday.
i was immediately touched by it;
tears were rolling down my cheeks, as i know
with every fiber in my being
that i know the calm feeling russell m. nelson
is talking about.
a couple weeks ago,
i had a slightly similar near-death experience.
i was riding my family's vespa home from the sportsmall.
it was dark out,
& difficult to see on the dimly lit streets.
as i was riding down the far right lane,
i noticed a car ahead,
on a street perpendicular to mine,
on my right side.
this car attempted to execute a right hand turn,
as i was riding in front of them.
at a speed of 45mph,
i had to quickly & severely swerve
in order to not be hit & scattered across the road.
i continued to drive home in a state of awe.
i thought i should be mad at the person driving that car,
who didn't see me,
& nearly killed me,
but i wasn't.
not at all.
in fact,
i actually felt sorry for them.
i couldn't imagine how awful they must have felt
after seeing me swerve past their front bumper.
i felt calm as i drove home.
more calm than i had felt in a long time.
my heart wasn't racing,
my thoughts weren't chasing after regrets.
for one of the first times in my life,
i had this thought that,
"if i had just died, tonight, i would be ok.
my life will have been a simple & humble triumph."
i have repented of my past sins.
i have lived in honest & earnest attempt to be near
my father in heaven.
i am filled with his love & peace.
i was calm.
i am calm,
for i know that
for i know that
everything will be ok.