over the years i've watched friends do the 30 day challenge via their blog or facebook.
i've always loved watching them do it, & consequentially learning things about them that i didn't already know.
well, i'm bored & i need a new distraction.
well, i'm bored & i need a new distraction.
so now it's my turn.
here's the challenge: everyday, for 30 days, you post one of the following (in order):
- a picture of yourself with 15 interesting facts.
- a picture of your family.
- a picture of someone you wish you could switch lives with for a day & why.
- a picture of your closest friend/s.
- a list of your pet peeves.
- a picture of the cast of your favorite tv show.
- a picture of something you wish you could do better.
- a picture of something you love.
- a picture of something you hate.
- a list of your bad habits.
- a picture that can always make you laugh.
- a picture of something you're afraid of & the reason why you're afraid of it.
- a picture of someone you commonly go to for advice & why.
- a picture of someone you miss.
- a list of your favorite songs.
- a picture of someone you do the most crazy things with.
- a picture of your favorite childhood memory.
- a picture of somewhere you want to travel.
- a list of some of your goals/plans/dreams.
- a picture & a letter.
- a picture of something or someone that has recently had a big impact on you.
- a picture of your favorite musician/band.
- a list of the first ten songs your ipod plays on shuffle.
- a picture of someone who inspires you.
- a picture of your biggest insecurity.
- a picture of someone who has gotten you through the most.
- a picture of someone or something important to you.
- a list of the qualities you hope to find in your spouse.
- a picture of your favorite pastime.
- a picture of you from last year & now, & how you've changed since then.
i posted this yesterday, but due to blogger malfunctions it didn't save or post or anything. so i'm posting this today & i'm starting today.
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