Tuesday, May 17, 2011


day 5 - a list of your pet peeves. 

well, my pet peeves tend to change & develop depending on who i'm living with.  i don't commonly find any pet peeves amongst my friends because i those choose to hang with are people who don't really annoy me.
though my day to day pet peeves tend to change monthly (as i build a tolerance), i do have a few chronic annoyances.  including:

#1 when people unnecessarily leave the lights on.
i think i got this one from my grandpa poppy.  "who left the lights on?!" & "you don't need light." are two phrases i'll always associate with him.  leaving the lights on is a waste of energy & money.  & ya know, how hard is it to just flip the lights off when you leave a room?  honestly.

#2 when people act like they understand what i meant & try to preemptively terminate my full explanation.
i'm a big talker.  i have to explain things, two times over, just to make sure people fully understand my reasoning, thinking, or what i was saying.  often times when people say "i get it, i get it." i don't believe them.  so i like to explain things to them again.  sometimes they do get it, making my explanation superfluous, but experience has taught me that most of the time they really don't.

#3 when people act like they know more than me on a topic when i believe them to be unfit in assuming my level of knowledge.
maybe this is just me acting like a "know-it-all", but i hate it when people think they're smarter than me, unless i deem them to be.  i'm very judgmental of people's intelligence.  & unlike the previous pet peeves, there's not much people can really do about this.  it's just my own insecurities being highlighted by other people's common behavior, which, when i think about it, annoys me even more.
(another branch of this annoyance applies specifically to people who think their way of trying to express an idea through writing or in presentation is sufficient, when in reality, they're explanation will leave the reader confused or not fully informed.  if you can't tell, i really dislike group work.)

#4 disrespect where i deem it necessary.
when i see people (specifically my peers) disrespecting others (especially people in authoritative positions), i become thoroughly annoyed, almost to the point of anger.  respect is high on my list of "must have's".

#5 when people act like they know & understand me.  people, that is, who i know really don't.
i'm not sure why this bothers me so bad.  it might be because it makes me feel shallow, or easily deciphered.  i live so intricate & creative of a life in my mind, that when people act as though they understand my way of thinking i just go nuts (by the way, i'm not really talking about close family members or friends).  those who know me have probably heard me say "don't act like you know me" a few times.

so, yeah... those are just a few of my chronic pet peeves.  in rereading this i find myself sounding very conceited & presumptuously omniscient.  i'm sorry for that; i don't mean to be.  i am capable of recognizing innocent human err, & when that err is my own.  not to mention, i'm not the smartest person out there & many of these pet peeves (as i said before) aren't found in the people i know.  it's strangers i meet who i'm judgmental of.
President Thomas S. Monson said, "rather than being judgmental & critical of each other, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life."
i am imperfect & this is something i must learn to work on.
come to think of it, dwelling on pet peeves is a hindrance to that effort.  so rather than just developing a high tolerance for these pet peeves, i'm going to leave today with a personal goal to dissolve their acknowledged existence within myself.  i want to become someone who doesn't get so annoyed by such small & insignificant things.  

i will work on this & i challenge you as a reader to do the same.
have a good day!  ^_^


  1. Love the quote! Good goals. I will do the same. XOXO

  2. Word to the wise in regards to pet peeve #2...Do not go to New York and explain yourself over and over. People don't care and they'll get pissed that you're wasting their time when they understood you the first time and they'll immediately dimiss you and everything you said to begin with. Point being...don't always assume things. Speaking from first hand experience my friend!!! xoxo

  3. love #4

    and i can't take spittle...no matter who's sporting it. xox
