i think, some people actually like pop music. i imagine they get in their cars, flip on the radio, & contently--no, excitedly listen to whatever new song some sell-out record company paid a pretty face to sing... & then they sing along to it.
not me--i don't do that. i mean, i don't do that at first. but sometimes, these darn bubblegum pop songs are unavoidably catchy. this is the case with taylor swift's newish song, "we are never ever getting back together".
stage #1 - denial
i was driving with my family when my brother nik first showed us the song. he, being a loyal t. swift lover, showed it to the family & denied any idea that taylor swift could have co-written such pathetic lyrics to a song. this is seriously a taylor swift song? no way, i can't believe it. the song wasn't licensed to be on youtube yet, so we could only hear distorted chipmunk versions of it. i decided to give it the benefit of the doubt, until i got home & could hear the "real" version.
stage #2 - anger
it was another week before i heard the "real" version of this song. i had sat down in my car, devastated once i realized my ipod was dead, & reluctantly flipped on the radio. (sometimes, i can't drive without music. literally.) "....never ever ever getting back together. you go talk to--" what the heck? taylor, seriously? what is wrong with artists these days? i changed the station, only to hear "...remember when we broke up, the first time. saying this is it, i've had enough..." so i turned off the radio & opted to listen to my 12 year old brother's cd mix he made 4 years ago of slightly less annoying rock-pop songs.
stage #3 - compromising
a couple weeks later i was in st. george with some friends. i had some unknown catchy tune stuck in my head. ooooooh-ooo-oo-oo-ooooh i couldn't help but sing it over & over again until my friend chimed in the rest of the lyrics, "this time, i'm telling you, i'm telling you, we--" crap! that's that song? i hastily explained how i didn't realize what i was singing & we mutually expressed our dislike for it. ....but it's so catchy! & did you know the whole music video was made in one continuous shot?
stage #4 - depression/defeat
after rationalizing my way into purchasing this song on itunes, i was overcome with disappointment. i gave in again? but this music is so bad. i can't believe myself. i am just as worthless as other pop-music sell-outs. the only thing that could drown out my own thoughts of self-degradation was the same bubblegum pop song that had started this whole mess. but in a tantrum like manner, i exited itunes & shut off my computer without even putting the song onto my ipod.
stage #5 - acceptance
i guess it's not thaaaaat bad... i wonder if nik likes it yet? will he judge me if i sing it around him..? screw it.
ps: this is my attempt at being funny. sort of like one of my favorite blogs... www.hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com
Oh Anna! This is a great post. I like your attempt at being funny... it's very, well, funny! :)