Saturday, June 11, 2011

30, flirty & thriving

day 30 - a picture of you from last year & now, & how you've changed since then.
mesa falls 2010
salt lake temple 2011

i have changed in many ways since last year, & am still continuing to change.
some of the physical differences include:
  • my hair is now blonde instead of that awful redish-brownish-blonde-streaks color.
  • i weigh 5lbs less.
  • i am healthier & in better physical shape.
  • i'm not a vegetarian anymore.
  • i've been off soda pop for 18 months now vs 6 months.
  • i've been studying russian for 3 1/2 semester now, rather than just 1 1/2.
  • i'll be getting my associates degree at the end of this semester.
some of the more mental & spiritual differences include:
  • i lived in china for 4 months (having gained all the experience & knowledge that comes with it).
  • i recognize the importance of being a member of this church & what it means to have an eternal companion 10x more than i used to.
  • i'm a lot less stubborn than i was last year.
  • there are some large changes i've experienced mentally & spiritually since last year that i can't necessarily express to you in words.  if you know me, you'll know i've changed.
well, there ya go folks.
30 day challenge: accomplished.

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